We are very happy and excited to be adding baby #3 to our family!! I had my first OB appointment last Wednesday and we were all able to go! Brynlee and Gracen are pretty excited about it.
I love going to the first appointment and being able to hear the baby's little heart beating...I have always felt so much happiness each time I have finally been able to hear that little sound!
This time, we were also able to see the baby. The place I am going to while we are in Utah is just awesome! My sister works there and the doctors are great! They give you a little DVD that you can bring in for every visit to record the ultrasounds on. It was fun to be able to see the baby, and I especially loved that we were all there for it!
Gracen loves to tell people that "Mommy has a baby in her belly!" And Brynlee is very excited about it too! She has actually been baby hungry a little longer than I have, she's been asking about and talking about when she gets a new baby sister for about 6 months now.
If you ask Gracen about what he saw at the doctor....
1. He'll tell you there were "one, two (while holding up his 2 fingers), two babies!"
There aren't 2 babies,but, there were 2 screens that he could see it on, so he claims that there are 2!
2. He'll say, "He was wiggling his bum!" and show you how it looked by wiggling his!
It was fun to see the baby moving around, usually mine haven't moved like that in the first ultrasound!
3. Sometimes he says it's a boy, sometimes he says it's a girl, and once he said it was a dragon!
What do you think???
We've decided not to find out what it is this time. Nate has never wanted to know, but I had a hard time with that and couldn't wait to find out! Since we have both, I think I can handle it!
Baby is due mid January, and I'm about 10 weeks along! I really haven't felt too terrible, just nauseated and tired but both are getting better!
We know this little one will be a great addition to our family, and will fit in with the rest of us just perfectly!