Wednesday, December 3, 2008

When the house is a little too quiet...

This morning while I was cleaning up the breakfast dishes, Brynlee was coloring, and I noticed that there was no noise. I asked Brynlee if she knew where Gracen was and she didn't know, so I went to see if he was in her bedroom. Sure enough, he was and I found the reason he was being so quiet...

He found a pancake in the GARBAGE, gross I know! Smashed it into the carpet and was sitting there playing with it. And Nate wonders why I complain about never being able to get anything done! Here's your proof!


bonniejean22 said...

LOL! I love it. I love his look on his face. I can't belive hes getting so big.
Chess is going to rank ohio as #1 I think. So maybe we will be close again.

The Ralls said...

Oh my goodness, what a little stinker! Good thing they are so cute right? I've got all those clothes ready for ya, and I can just drop them off at your moms. I work today and saturday, so I will be in morgan both days, if one of them will work for your mom! You can give me a call, 801-668-2014

musson said...

oh that is too funny!but his smile is TOO CUTE!!!