Today is laundry day. Every time I pull out the laundry, I have a little helper. Sometimes two little helpers. Today Brynlee is at preschool, so Gracen got to help all by himself.
First, you put some in. Over the head works great, as long as you get it in there...
Then you figure out why it still isn't in there...
Next you find a bungee cord to check out, before stuffing it in...
Finally, you close the door!
Gracen's so cute, Erica. I love your posts!
CUTE!!! and nice washer and dryer!!! I am in love with having our own. No more quarters and NO MORE cleaning out other peoples lint.
I love littler helpers. Although it would be so much easier to do it yourself.
Look at Gracen go...pretty soon you might have a replacement laundry washer.
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