Sunday, October 2, 2011

First Hunt with Dad!!

This boy loves to do things just like Dad.  He was pretty excited when Nate told him that he would take him bow hunting with him one night after work.  
So excited that when Nate came home from his first day of hunting and said that he was "broken" Gracen came crying to me with the biggest tears.  He was worried about his dad, but also that he was too broken to still take him hunting later that week.  (Nate's knee's were hurting pretty bad, hence the term "broken.") 
The big day finally came!  I picked the kids up from school and planned to meet Nate at work so he could take Gracen for a few hours.   
When they got home Gracen told me all about hunting.  They didn't see anything.  I'm quite certain Nate had no plans to see anything, knowing that Gracen would probably scare off anything before they did.   Nate said he showed Gracen some deer/elk tracks and poop.  After that, if Gracen saw anything, he would yell, "Dad, look....elk tracks/poop!" 
While they were telling me about hunting, Gracen smacked himself on the head and said, "Oh grape, I forgot your flowers!"  Cute little guy had picked me some flowers while they were hunting and brought them home.  He forgot them in the car.  Funny kid, he loves to give his mom flowers!
I'm so happy that Nate took the time to make this fun little memory with Gracen.  I know Gracen just loved the time spent with his dad, and that he got to be a big, strong hunter.   

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